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Laurel Rimmer at Pergola

An Oasis on the Great Lawn

July 27, 2012

This week, we wandered over to the Pergola where lush and colorful plants seem to cover just about every pillar and beam. Intense heat and plenty of moisture over the past few weeks have encouraged the rapid growth of these vigorous tender plants, and leaves of every imaginable color and shape spill out of containers and into the paths. Gardener Gelene Scarborough’s fantastic combinations of colors and textures bring an organic quality to this formal structure and make it a welcome place to linger in the garden. I stopped there this past Sunset Wednesday before our first ever Bat Walk, where I got caught on camera by photographer Joshua Bright. It was a wonderful evening to visit—and take photographs of—the gardens.

Pergola pair 1
Pergola pair 2
Pergola pair 3

The dragonflies approve, too! Take a look at this one, stopping for a break at the Pergola while hunting for insects on the Great Lawn.

Dragonfly at Pergola

By Laurel Rimmer, Director of Wave Hill’s Public Programs