Welcome to Wave Hill!
Your visit and your ability to have a full experience of Wave Hill's gardens and programs are important to us. We hope you enjoy your visit, and please do not hesitate to communicate any special needs you may have to staff at the Front Entrance or Perkins Visitor Center.
If you would like to discuss the accessibility of the gardens or specific programs, please contact us.
Visitor Services
Wave Hill offers limited wheelchair-accessible parking onsite. Please be sure to present your access license plate or valid government-issued permit at our Front Entrance. Regular parking rates apply. The Parking Lot and Front Entrance are paved.
Getting Around
Wave Hill House, Glyndor Gallery and the Perkins Visitor Center are accessible to all visitors. A ramp from The Café’s dining room brings visitors onto the Kate French Terrace. Due to its historic nature, the Marco Polo Stufano Conservatory is not wheelchair or stroller accessible. Wave Hill’s grounds have both paved and unpaved pathways, including gravel, grass and woodchips. These pathways are indicated on our Map & Guide. The garden’s natural and varied topography may make navigating challenging for some.
Manual wheelchairs are available on request, free of charge, on a first-come, first-served basis. (Sorry, we are unable to take advance reservations).
Mobility Assistance Vehicles
Wave Hill operates Mobility Assistance Vehicles, staffed by a Wave Hill driver, to help those with mobility issues get from one location on the grounds to another. (These vehicles are not able to travel to all locations due to the geography.) They are available on request to our Visitor Services staff, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note these vehicles are reserved for visitors requesting assistance accessing the gardens.
Restrooms and Water Fountains
Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located in Glyndor Gallery, Wave Hill House and the Perkins Visitor Center. Gender inclusive restrooms are located in Glyndor Gallery and Wave Hill House. There are water fountains in the Glyndor Picnic Area, Wave Hill House and the Perkins Visitor Center, which also has a water bottle refilling station.
Personal Care Attendants
Wave Hill offers complimentary admission to personal care attendants who accompany visitors with disabilities. This includes general and premium admission.
Service Animal Policy
Service animals are welcome at Wave Hill in accordance with ADA guidelines. Services animals are dogs trained to work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Visitors and service animals must follow the Service Animal Policy during their visit to Wave Hill. Pets and dogs whose sole purpose is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals according to the ADA and are not permitted in the gardens.
Wave Hill offers learning opportunities and guided programs for all visitors. Accessibility information for garden locations is listed on all program descriptions. If you would like to inquire about and request an accommodation to support your participation in our public programming or garden tours, please contact us at 718.549.3200 x251 or information@wavehill.org and we’ll do our best to help. American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and Real-Time captioning (CART) can be arranged with ideally at least two weeks’ notice before the program date. Auto-captions are available for programs hosted through Zoom.
For school, camp or educator programming, communicate your group’s specific access needs upon booking so that we may provide the most engaging program possible. Examples include sensory needs, language needs or other types of accommodation.