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JM w Maria Hupfiled 2
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Elasticity of Place: Talk with Jennifer McGregor

  • Virtual
JM w Maria Hupfiled 2
Jennifer McGregor and artist Maria Hupfield in conversation at the opening of "Here We Land", 2019

Elasticity of Place: Talk with Jennifer McGregor

Have you experienced an artwork or a performance at Wave Hill that stays with you or changes how you think of nature in the city? And wondered what is behind those provocative projects? In this talk, Wave Hill Senior Curator Jennifer McGregor shares insights into how she has evolved place-based curating at Wave Hill and discusses the strategies she has developed to deepen the connections between artists, the gardens and Wave Hill visitors.

Join us to celebrate Jennifer’s 20 years at Wave Hill as she offers an insider's glimpse at the endless elasticity and inspiration that Glyndor Gallery and the grounds have provided to hundreds of artists. This virtual presentation will be hosted on ZOOM and will include opportunities to engage through a Q & A.

Registration required, online , online or by calling 718.549.3200 x251. Registration closes at 3PM on Wednesday, Dec 2. If you register, the day before the event you will receive a follow-up email with a secure and private link to this virtual event. Questions? Please email us at or call the telephone number and extension above.

Presenter Bio

  • Jennifer McGregor

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    Jennifer McGregor

    As Senior Director of Arts, Education and Programs at Wave Hill, Jennifer McGregor has led a movement for place-based art through exhibitions, commissioned work, residencies and performances. Her broad knowledge of diverse artists and multiple connections has been developed over years of engagement in the public realm. In 1998, she was invited to consult for Wave Hill on a vision for an art program for the institution, and joined the staff as Visual Arts Curator in 1999. Her department grew to include performing arts and in the last few years she has overseen education and public programs as well. She works with a team of creative curators to hone concepts into prompts for artists and the public to engage with multiple aspects of the site, physically and virtually. To every project she brings an optimistic, can-do realism, curiosity and a desire to learn.

    Photo: Ridgelight Studio

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