- Families
Mother's Day
All Day
See all events below
Sunday is a premium day for admission at the front entrance; $2 surcharge per visitor

Wonderfully timed to coincide with the arrival of spring, Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to pull out all the stops. Plan to spend the day in the gardens, with a special Family Art Project, a guided walk in the gardens, a session of spring birding, a free session of community yoga and a family nature walk.
Enjoy the very rare opportunity to picnic on the Wave Hill House Lawn. Bring your own feast or purchase a delicious picnic curated by our exclusive partner Great Performances. Reservations for a Great Performances picnic are closed. If you would like to picnic on the Wave Hill House Lawn, you may bring your own blanket and outdoor folding chairs. Limited, first come, first served seating will also be available in Armor Hall and on the Kate French Terrace.
Mother’s Day is a premium-admission day, with a $2 surcharge per visitor; there is no admission charge for children under five. Reservations are not required.
Some events this weekend will take place in fully accessible areas of the garden, some not. Please read the full description of each event—see the links below—to learn more.