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  • Art

Deep Pool—Sunroom Project Space 2022

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Glyndor Gallery
Deep Pool Installation View8 WH Photo Stefan Hagen 9 19 22
Deep Pool, Installation view of "In Bloom", 2022. Commissioned by Wave Hill for the Sunroom Project Space. Photo: Stefan Hagen.
Deep Pool Installation View7 WH Photo Stefan Hagen 9 19 22
Deep Pool, Installation view of "In Bloom", 2022. Commissioned by Wave Hill for the Sunroom Project Space. Photo: Stefan Hagen.
Deep Pool Installation View6 WH Photo Stefan Hagen 9 19 22
Deep Pool, Installation view of "In Bloom", 2022. Commissioned by Wave Hill for the Sunroom Project Space. Photo: Stefan Hagen.
Deep Pool Installation View3 WH Photo Stefan Hagen 9 19 22 1
Deep Pool, Installation view of "In Bloom", 2022. Commissioned by Wave Hill for the Sunroom Project Space. Photo: Stefan Hagen.

Informed by their upbringing as a trans-continental adoptee and their current gender-transition, Deep Pool explores the open-ended possibilities of making meaning when one's own history and identity is in flux and undetermined. To further explore the potential of this unknown, Deep Pool disrupts entrenched perceptions often associated with floral imagery and gender identity. Through photographs of flowering plants and architectural interventions in the Sun Porch, Deep Pool stages these clichés in unexpected ways to reframe the ways they can be interpreted. The resulting ambiguity upends a reliance on fixed assumptions and instead distills a vernacular signified by fluidity, self-determination and shifting conceptions of place.

As part of this Fellowship program, Deep Pool also participates in the 2022 Winter Workspace.

  • Deep Pool

    Deep Pool Portrait 022022

    Deep Pool

    ‘Deep Pool’ is a self-given moniker and English translation of their birth name in Chinese, Ji Tan. They have exhibited work in New Brunswick, NJ; Richmond, VA; Berlin, Germany and has an upcoming show in Harford, CT. Deep Pool graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts (VCUarts) with a BFA in photography and film.

    Learn more about the artist at

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